A member asked:

3ds high fever, myalgia, swollen & painful neck glands. fever better but glands are still painful & i have a red left eye with no discharge. tired++?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Cornelius Oleary answered

Specializes in Urgent Care

Full Hx and Exam: Full history and physical exam are indicated with laboratory testing. You have the classic symptoms of mononucleosis however a full differential should be explored based on your medical history, occupation, exposures. As you are in South Africa malaria should be considered in the differential.

Answered 3/7/2018


Dr. Oscar Novick answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Fever: You have swollen lymph glands.you may also have an eye infection . You are tired because of your myalgia. Consult a doctor for evaluation Nd treatment

Answered 3/7/2018



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