A member asked:

Is it okay to take claritin d with tylenol cold for my nasal congestion ? nothing seems to be working. stuff nose watery eyes sneezing headache ?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Clarence Grim answered

Specializes in Endocrinology

Claritin Tylenol: I would go to drugs.com and look up drug interactions and include any other meds you are taking.

Answered 6/29/2017


Dr. Charles Turck answered

Specializes in Pharmacology

Yes: There are no interactions between Tylenol &Claritin D. The Tylenol should relieve your headache. The Claritin-D should improve your congestion and cold / allergy symptoms. If you happen to have diabetes or hypertension, understand that the decongestant (“D”) in the Claritin raises blood pressure and blood sugar, and it’s important not to take the medication if your conditions aren’t under control

Answered 7/2/2017



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