Initial thoughts: Do not know your frequency of bowel movements, but approximating this, appears you are approaching, or at, "Chronic Daily Migraines" (am assuming correct label). Advise you to start prophylactic medication, as this can readily break up pattern. See a neurologist and start to stabilize all of this. (Wonder if CGRP category will be best for you?)
Answered 2/27/2021
Migraine: a mystery : Trigeminocervical complex led neurovascular changes cause throbbing headaches with hyperemia & oligemia passing through the cortex. Regularity of habits can decrease migraine. If you make bowel movement regular and easy, it might help. Regular intake of apples, oranges, and /or oatmeal. Regular intake of nuts, seeds &/or kale, spinach, plenty of water intake & regular walk may help you. Good luck
Answered 2/26/2021
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