A member asked:

My labs were iron:197 with high tibc and low ferritin levels what does this mean?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Need more info: All laboratory results need to be interpreted in the clinical context and the doctor who ordered the tests is usually in the best position to do that. Having said that, it would have helped to have the ferritin level and your hemoglobin. However since you are likely to be losing blood each month through your periods, it would be appropriate to take oral iron supplement. For good health - Have a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, milk and milk products, nuts, beans, legumes, lentils and small amounts of lean meats. Avoid saturated fats. Drink enough water daily, so that your urine is mostly colorless. Exercise at least 150 minutes/week and increase the intensity of exercise gradually. Do not use tobacco, alcohol, weed or street drugs in any form. Practice safe sex, if you have sex. Get HPV vaccine.

Answered 4/2/2017



Iron deficiency: Ferritin is an indicator of long term storage fo iron and the TIBC is the chemical in the blood that binds and transports iron. TIBC usually increases when total body iron stores are low but can also increase with hormone supplements or pregnancy. Iron supplements are recommended and are available OTC. They may color BM's black and cause some constipation, so stool softeners are helpful.

Answered 4/2/2017



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