A member asked:

Im 20y.o 6 mouth ago i stared smoking in total i smoked 2.5 to 3 packs i quit a day ago &will my lungs go back how they were before i smoked, how long?

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Can't undo, but good: repair in 1-9 months. Fortunately, pulse and blood pressure respond within a few hours, oxygen levels in less than a day, and recovery starts in a few days. Nicotine causes damage to the cilia and lining of the bronchial tubes and the amount of damage is related to how long and how much one has smokes, ie 3 packs in 6 months vs 3 ppday. Congratulations on quiting! https://quitday.org/quitting-effects/

Answered 2/7/2017



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