Drug rash: As you seem to know, amoxicillin often causes a rash in people who have mononucleosis. However, it also can cause an allergic rash without mono -- and an itchy rash (hives) usually means a true drug allergy. Stop the amoxicillin and contact the doctor who prescribed it. Good luck!
Answered 10/23/2016
Rash on Amox, mono h: Usually, mono happens once and you develop immunity to this which protects from a second episode. There can be a recurrence or chronic symptoms with EB viral infections. Your rash is probably due to Amoxacillin with hives due to the medicine. You can use Benadryl 2 tsp oral 2x/d until hives resolves. If symptoms worsen, contact health tap for a virtual appt.
Answered 10/22/2016
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