A member asked:

I have a 2.4 cm fibroid inside the uterus body, does it need to be removed? i've never had children, and plan to have some.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Reasons for O.R.: There are three main reasons for operating on uterine fibroids, 1.) heavy vaginal bleeding 2.) uterine size greater than 12 weeks gestational size and 3.) severe pelvic pain. In patients who desire children and are unable to get pregnant may also give consideration to surgical fibroid removal as they can interfere in embryo intra uterine implantation.

Answered 9/6/2016



No: It needs to be watched.Only if it is growing fast or prevents pregnancy or causes excessive bleeding or pain it may need to be removed.

Answered 7/3/2018



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