NO!!!!!!!: you have had pancreatitis, and your doctor thought that your drinking was out of control, and that is why disulfiram (Antabuse) was prescribed. However, it doesn't work by itself, and you need to be in an intensive counseling program, in addition to attending self-help groups like AA. Antabuse may cause a reaction with alcohol up to 10 days after a dose. Talk to your doctor or counselor ASAP.
Answered 8/27/2016
Antabuse: If someone ingests alcohol prior to at least 7 days off of disulfiram it could cause a “aldehyde reaction”. There may still be some disulfiram in the system for 14 days. It looks the earlier responder has access to more information about you. If you have pancreatitis - must strongly urge against your use of alcohol.
Answered 1/23/2021
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