A member asked:

Acl surgery 12 weeks ago hamstring my knee feels loose did i do something to the graft or anything what does mean when my knee feels loose ?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Randy Stevens answered

Specializes in General Surgery

Check up: You had acl surgery 12 weeks ago. You now notice the knee feels loose. It is normal to feel at risk after the surgery. You might remember the pain and the body is never as good as it was the first time. You should have a follow up apoitment with your orthopedist. He/she will examine you for flexibility and may repeat the mri to make sure the repair is healing.

Answered 11/30/2016



Eval: You should get another evaluation. However. until your quadriceps is at full strength, the knee may feel loose to you. It is best to get checked to make sure your ligament is still intact.

Answered 10/30/2017


Dr. Padraic Obma answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Surgery

Graft should be fine: Unless you had a major injury and felt a pop in your knee, the likelihood of injuring your graft the first 12 weeks after ACL surgery is very minimal. Your graft should be fine. The sensation of the knee feeling loose after ACL surgery is usually due to quad muscle weakness. Your quad muscle gets very week after surgery and makes you feel like your knee is loose but it isn't actually loose.

Answered 6/28/2018



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