Oral cancer: You need to see a dentist to evaluate any wounds or sores in your mouth that do not heal within 7-10 days. Also talk to your dentist about why you are chewing on the inside of your mouth, and what can be done to help you stop this habit.
Answered 4/5/2020
Unlikely: Unlikely. Stop chewing. If abnormality persists, see oral surgeon or ENT doc.
Answered 11/14/2016
Its rare: Its rare that the trauma of chewing would cause oral cancer. It will cause the overgrowth of a white line (called the linea Alba) of keratinized epithelium. This is like a callous that looks white because it is always wet.
Answered 11/14/2016
Cancer risk: Repeated irritation can cause adverse tissue changes. Irritation can be mediated with dental care. Reason behind your pernicious habit can be mediated with behavior modification or therapy. Don't be scared. Get professional help. See a Dentist, have your tissues examined, and frankly discuss your problem with him/her.
Answered 11/16/2016
An Oral: Cancer screening should be part of evert dental exam. It's very unlikely but possible to cause mouth cancer with constant irritation for many years. See your dentist to know for sure.
Answered 8/1/2017
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