A member asked:

Does the following mean 2 pinch nerves? 1. degenerative disc disease at the c2-c3 level to result in mild to moderate spinal canal stenosis at this level. 2.. degenerate changes at the c5-c6 and c6-c7 levels resulting in mild to moderate spinal cana

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Joel Cooperman answered

Specializes in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Could mean 3: The word should you use could describe up to three nerves involved. Depending on the specifics , that could be three nerves with branches on each side for a total of six. It could also mean central stenosis involving the entire spinal cord. The findings on the films need to be matched up with your physical findings for an accurate determination. The Doctor Who ordered the study should be able to explain that to you.

Answered 1/22/2016


Dr. Alexios Apazidis answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Reconstructive Surgery

Cervical radiculopat: These results do not specifically mention nerve root impingement. Do you have symptoms of numbness and tingling in the fingertips. Are you unable to touch your chin to your chest or look straight up without neurologic symptoms? Some of these findings may be simple aging process and normal. I would be more interested in what your symptoms are rather then in your MRI results.

Answered 1/22/2016


Dr. Kevin Yoo answered

No but can't tell: Spinal canal stenosis can cause spinal cord compression. In order to know if a nerve is pinched in the cervical spine you want to know if there is lateral spinal canal stenosis ore more specifically foraminal stenosis. The foramen is where the nerve comes out of the spine and can be pinched.

Answered 4/4/2018



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