A member asked:

How is infertility determined in a woman, who is ttc?

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Richard Zimon answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Most infertility: experts ask patients to attempt for at least 3-6 months before any fertility studies! Remember the male is "easier" to study and often this is done first! So RELAX and find a OB-GYN who has experience and an interest in infertility ...while you try "on your own" ....\ Hope this helps! Good Luck! Dr Z

Answered 3/2/2016



Radiology opinion: Radiologic workup includes hysterosalpingography, where dye is injected in the uterus under fluoroscopy to see if the tubes are open (see picture). It also shows the configuration of the inside of the uterus. Serial (repeated) ultrasounds are also done to follow egg production. There is medical work up which I hope someone else comments on, as I can't help you with that.

Answered 12/26/2015


Dr. Michael Opsahl answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

One year: We define infertility as 1 year of well timed TTC if you are <35 yo and 6 months if you are >=35 yo. Track OPK or BBT and days of intercourse to confirm opportunity to conceive.

Answered 11/28/2017



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