They don't work. : Babies swallow air when crying & bottle-feeding. Till ~ 6 weeks, their intestinal smooth muscle does not coordinate propulsion of liquid & air. Use the "football hold". Put baby on your forearm, head at your elbow,face down. Press your palm against his tummy, flex his hips, encircle one leg with your fingers & roll him gently against your chest. Tilt head up to burp, tush up to pass gas.
Answered 12/28/2017
Yes. : Gripe water can be given to a 2 1/2 week old baby. Make sure it has no alcohol in it. There are other medications also that may be used - discuss with baby's doctor. Best of course , is no medications if at all possible. Mom refraining from milk intake herself sometimes may help.
Answered 12/21/2015
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