A member asked:

I scratched my cornea last week on november 29th. every since then, i have blurry vision. my eye doctor prescribed me eye ointment for my eye, but it's still a little blurry, but not as bad when i went to the doctor. how long does a scratched cornea heal

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Eye Hope This Helps: They heal pretty fast but it depends on the size,depth & location of the abrasion.If right in the line of sight,over the pupil,it could take several weeks before your vision is back to what it was.Try looking through a pinhole & see if it clears up.If it does,then it's likely something else,unless that"something else"was there before the injury.Try moisturizing eye drops for a while,then a recheck

Answered 12/26/2015



Corneal abrasion: As long as you are slowly getting better, be confident. Most patients will recover vision back to where they were before. It depends on how big the original scratch was. The ointment itself can give you some blurry vision as well. But keep going with it until your doctor advises otherwise.

Answered 2/1/2016



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