A member asked:

Late period 3 days. slight dark dark red blood when i wipped off. mornings redish/mucous disrcharge. usually heavy flow by 2nd 3rd day. pregnant?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Matthew Parker answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Doubtful: If I understand correctly, you are saying that your period was 3 days late, but that you did eventually have it, and that it was of an unusual character. If you had anything like a period, even late, then it is very unlikely that you are pregnant. Try taking an OTC pregnancy test to be more sure, but I think you are unlikely to be pregnant.

Answered 12/9/2015



Maybe not, but...: A urine pregnancy test, done correctly, gives a reliable result 3 weeks after sex (3 weeks after when conception might have occurred), or 1 week after missing a period. If done sooner, a positive result is likely real, but a negative result may be due to testing too soon, and thus lead to a repeat test. If a woman gets her normal regular period, then she is not pregnant, and a test is not needed.

Answered 12/7/2015



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