A member asked:

Dear doctor, i'm a 22 year old, female, university student. i have been having really bad pain mainly at the sternum area for the past 5 months. it started of with pain upon pressure, and now i can feel it when i breath or make any movements. the pain h

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Bernard Seif answered

Specializes in Clinical Psychology

Pain for that: length of time needs to be checked out by your doctor. Please see him/her ASAP and get help. Anxiety can cause this but it is important that medical conditions are ruled out first. Peace and good health.

Answered 5/29/2016


Dr. Natalie Hodge answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Sternal Pain?: Sternal pain with breathing and movement in a young female is NOT likely to be of cardiac origin, assuming you did not have congenital heart disease. What kind of exercise have you been doing? Have you had a recent cold or cough? Do you have any associated shortness of breathe? Have you tried any medicines? Ever have a passing out spell? Start with your Primary care doc for evaluation!

Answered 11/23/2015



Pain: Pain such as described is frequently due to inflammation in the chest wall. There are various other possibilities in the differential diagnosis. You should see a doctor for an evaluation.

Answered 11/23/2015



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