A member asked:

36 year old f very healthy developed a rash on back . hurts and was itchy. looks like shingles. help is it to late for anti viral meds and duration ?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

See doctor: Is the rash only on one side of the body? If yes, it is likely to be shingles. If it is present on both sides of the midline then it is not shingles. It would be useful to see your doctor, especially if it is shingles so the preventive steps may be taken to prevent persistent pain.

Answered 10/31/2015



Depends on duration.: I am not sure wether the rash is due to shingles or not. It needs to be checked out by a physician to make sure. If it turns out to be shingles then starting antiviral medicines in the first 72 hours gives a better chance for early cure. It also helps reduce chances of developing residual pain that often persists after the rash goes away.

Answered 11/1/2015



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