A member asked:

How do i tell if a spot on my leg is staph infection or just an irritated bite/spot/ hair follicle...etc....

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Susan Rhoads answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Infections: Nobody can tell if an infected lesion is due to Staph or another bacteria without a culture. However, if a sore or wound, is hot, has pus, is tender, or increasing pain or redness, it is likely infected. A bug bite can be red and a little warm and itchy, but no pus or severe pain is present. Apply Bacitracin and a bandaid after cleaning with dilute soap and water twice a day. If worse: to MD!

Answered 3/13/2020



RELAX: A small spot on the leg is common. Do you shave your legs? Wash in shower every day. If it becomes rapidly worse, see a DR. Most likely = folliculitis. Bacitracin and bandaid will make it worse.

Answered 10/5/2015



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