Sunscreen: Get a sunscreen with a high number. Use it liberally. You are an adult and can manage your acne. Soframycin is not your best option for acne, and you cannot use it without some other topical agent such as benzoyl peroxide or retinoic acid without making things worse in the long run. If this does not clear you, get with your physician -- you may be a candidate for spironolactone.
Answered 9/2/2015
No it does not: No sun rays do not cause acne.You should use sunscreen to defend yourself from excessive sun.Limited sun exposure is good for Vitamin D in your body. Acne is treated with benzyl peroxide washes with antibiotic combination,to which can be added retinoids cream.And some may need oral antibiotics like doxycycline.Cystic and severe acne better be treated by dermatologist as may need acne surgery&more
Answered 9/2/2015
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