A member asked:

Can sertraline make you gain weight?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. K. Olson answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

SSRI and weight gain: The category of antidepressants SSRI and as well SNRI typically can but do not always cause weight gain - in addition, diminished sex drive, inability to ejaculate/climax , and flatness of feelings (numbness). Other associated medications can be implicated, eating disorders, hypothyroidism, sleep disorders, and hormonal imbalance can contribute. Bupropion, lamotrogine, nefazadone, MAOI's better.

Answered 10/25/2018



Yes, for some...: A potential side effect of sertraline, as well as other selective serotonin reputable inhibitors (SSRIs), is weight gain. If this is a concern with a current medication be sure to discuss with your provider. Be well.

Answered 7/23/2015



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