A member asked:

Sulfacetamide 10% sulfur is prescribed for acne, usually but can this formulation be used as an antibiotic cream for ulcerative skin lesion as a result of falling off of a bicycle and i have three lesions and have this on hand. any recommendations?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

No no no!: Acne medications can be very irritating to open wounds. A better option (in addition to a mild soap & warm water) is an antibiotic ointment that's specifically used to treat open wounds along with daily wound care and protective bandaging until the wounds heal. I'm glad you asked! Dr. Anne.

Answered 8/6/2015


Dr. Louise Andrew answered

Specializes in Emergency Medicine

Bacitracin: Is the usual treatment and is effective as long as you are not allergic. Keep it clean and covered to avoid secondary infection. And no riding until it is healed, if the lesions are on your palms. Good luck!

Answered 8/9/2015



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