A member asked:

I would like to stop taking my zoloft (sertraline) (it was for my anxiety). what is the best way to quit?

8 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Talk with provider: Coming off Zoloft (sertraline) too quickly can produce withdrawal so please make sure you talk with your prescribing provider about how to taper off the medication. Not only is this important for effective communication about your healthcare and treatment planning, but your provider can best advise you on stopping based on your health history and dosage. Be well.

Answered 3/25/2020


Dr. Marcie Berman answered

Specializes in Clinical Psychology

Slowly with help: If you have been on an SSRI for any period of time, going off requires a slow weaning process. Your doctor can help you to develop a schedule for this. It is important to go off slowly for two reasons. First, just stopping can lead to negative symptoms of its own. Second, going off in a slow and measured way can help you to see if your anxiety recurs with lowered medication doses.

Answered 3/25/2020



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