A member asked:

My breast fed 3 month old has 2-5 poops a day is this normal? she also only gains 2 oz a week.. could this be causing low weight gain

4 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

See pediatrician: Usually breast fed babies at 3 months of age can poop 2-5 times a day . But baby should gain weight 5-7 oz per week. May be you do not have enough breast milk and may have to supplement with formula ,so baby stars gaining more weight .Talk to the doctor and get baby checked up .

Answered 7/6/2015



Yes: breast fed infants often have a stool with each breast feed. your infant is probably longer also and gaining two ounces per week sounds okay. Goodl luck!

Answered 7/6/2015



Normal stooling: Hello! Breastfeed babies tend to stool more frequently than formula fed ones because of a "natural laxative" component in breast milk. Stools should be yellow (mustard-like) and seedy. The weight gain issue is more likely due to how much or frequently your baby is feeding. I would make sure she is feeding 15 minutes on each breast and every 2-4 hours. If not, she should be checked by her doc.

Answered 7/8/2015



Breathing feeding : Having 2-5 stools per day for a breast fed infant is normal, a baby can have a bowel movement after each feeding. But gaining 2oz per wk is not enough, she should gain 1/2 to 1 oz per day. What was her birth weright & what is her weight now? What does her pediatrician say? If you don't have enough breast milk you can suppliment with formula to help her gain weight. Good luck & enjoy your baby.

Answered 7/6/2015



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