A member asked:

My friend is 6'1" and 110 pounds, with a bmi of 14.5, runs 3 miles per day along with yoga. is he headed down a dangerous path?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Seriously underweigh: A BMI of 14.5 is significantly underweight . The concern is about why he is so underweight. The exercise and yoga are great. He could have a thyroid problem, a malabsorption issue, a eating disorder, or even parasites. The low BMI needs to be evaluated.

Answered 6/30/2015



Sounds good: "Body mass index" was never intended to be applied to individuals, though in non-athletes it is a crude measure of obesity / malnutrition. If your friend is light-framed and has this level of athleticism, stop worrying and be glad for his good health. The stuff about "low BMI people die sooner" just reflects the high mortality of cancer patients, deteriorated alcoholics and so forth.

Answered 3/30/2016



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