A member asked:

I am 25.i am undergo mini -ivf traetment.today cd6 the u/s and blood work says growing slowing.is everything ok?will doctor do egg retrieval on cd 14

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Michael Traub answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

Varies: that depends on your doctor. natural and mini ivf are different. it sounds like there is one egg. it is not ready yet. but likely will be ready in a few days. so as long as the egg grows that is ok!

Answered 8/14/2015


Dr. Gerard Honore answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

Mini IVF: CD 6 is too early to say whether your cycle will be successful, but don't be discouraged if things ar not login "fast" - what's important is the quality of the egg when it is retrieved. Impossible to say whether you "will" or "won't" be retrieved on CD 14, but if the follicle grows normally it will likely be close dot then. Good wishes.

Answered 8/14/2015



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