A member asked:

What is good for memory loss?

9 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Johanna Fricke answered

Specializes in Pediatrics - Developmental and Behavioral

Memory loss is a : symptom, the cause of which must be determined in order to create a treatment plan. One also has to define if the loss is is in short-term, active-working or long-term memory. Active working memory lapses, like walking into the kitchen & forgetting what you went in there for, tend to become more frequent as one ages. See your primary care doctor for evaluation & any needed referrals.

Answered 4/25/2015



Depends upon cause: If sleep deprivation or sleep apnea with daytime hyper somnolence, might use Nuvigil. Would check for thyroid or vitamin issues and treat specifically, and if infection such as syphilis or HIV, use appropriate meds. Drugs for Alzheimers may be useful in alternative conditions, especially head injury. Some medical foods like Cerefolin-NAC and Axona can be valuable.

Answered 11/15/2015


Dr. Alon Seifan answered

Specializes in Neurology

Depends on cause: The most important thing to find out if someone has memory loss is what the cause is. depending on the cause and appropriate treatment can be chosen. across-the-board, a healthy diet and physical exercise as well as control of heart health can improve memory for everybody. but for people who are experiencing symptoms the treatment always depends on the cause.

Answered 5/16/2016



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