A member asked:

I am currently on warfarin, 81 mg baby aspirin, and metoprolol after two open heart surgeries. i have a horrible sore throat/cold. what can i take?

8 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. John Gaffney answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Topical is best: To avoid anything which might interact with warfarin - stick to products that act locally and/or very minimally absorbed (systemically). Start an antibiotic. For a sore throat, I'd suggest the Chloraseptic Max throat lozenges ... They work quite well and are fairly potent. For the runny nose/cold - try an intranasal spray like Flonase or Nasonex (mometasone). See your MD. Hope that helps!

Answered 1/26/2015



Sore throat: We dont know how old you are and why you have a sore throat. I'm also not sure why you are on warfarin AND aspirin? dont take anything with a decongestant in it. You need to see a doctor to review your medical history and examine you to prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

Answered 1/30/2015


Dr. Katharine Cox answered

Specializes in Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Tylenol (acetaminophen) for pain and: Amoxicillin for infection. Maybe cloroseptic lozenges will help. All the best.

Answered 4/23/2016



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