A member asked:

I have smoked 15 a day for the past 5 years but am only 20. now having repeted chest infections, blood in phlem, bubbling in chest & constant cough!?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

We weren't kidding: ...About smoking being bad for you. Stop doing it. Now. Smoking can damage the small hair-like cillia that help keep germs out of your lungs. This could account for the frequent infections. Fortunately, the sooner you quit smoking the sooner your body can reverse the damage. If you need help quitting, your doctor can help you with a plan.

Answered 12/20/2012


Dr. Gregg Albers answered

Specializes in Addiction Medicine

Serious: May be a sinus infection with some bleeding, but could be a more serious infection or health problem. See your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room for testing.

Answered 3/17/2012



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