A member asked:

If the eye doc. finds a tear in the retina on time can he prevent blindness or is it to late?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Laura Cozzarelli answered

Specializes in Ophthalmology

Most of the time.: A retinal tear, if found early (while the retina is still attached), can be lasered to stabilize it. The laser acts like a staple gun to prevent further detachment. If the retina has already started detaching, an office procedure involving a gas injection/laser is done. If a lot of the retina is detached, major or surgery is needed. If it's been detached for long enough, blindness may result.

Answered 3/28/2013



Depends: The retina is a layer of tissue covering the back of the eye and it translates light into an electrical signal that is then relayed via the optic nerve to the brain. The typical problem with the retina is detachment not a tear. Think of it as wallpaper bubbling off the wall. A retina specialist can do a combo procedure called vitrectomy with scleral buckle. This procedure can save sight.

Answered 3/28/2013


Dr. Jeffrey Kalt answered

Specializes in Ophthalmology

Retinal tear: Retinal tears can almost always be successfully treated with either laser or cryopexy (freezing) treatment. This will usually prevent progression to retinal detachment which usually requires more invasive surgical treatment.

Answered 10/3/2015



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