Lump in Throat: You are on Prevacid (lansoprazole) for acid reflux? The "lump" could be do to anything from trapped air in the stomach after belching to a hiatal hernia or even a diverticulum in the lower esophagus. Reflux esophagitis can cause all the sx you describe and unless the bacterium that is likely causing it is eradicated, the ppi you are taking will not clear the problem. I would follow up w/ a gastroenterologist.
Answered 6/30/2014
Could it be stress?: When taken together, globus sensation ("feeling of a lump"), air swallowing with resulting belching, & dry mouth/ throat are most consistent with stress/anxiety. So can be your "pounding heart & headache." Lansoprazole only reduces acid, not stress. I see you're taking diazepam--does this medication reduces the above symptoms? Managing your stress (& reasons for same) may be your key to relief.
Answered 10/23/2017
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