A member asked:

Does vibramycin (doxycycline) and metronidazole together cause yeast infection? or should i take them seperately?

7 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Michael Dugan answered

Specializes in Hematology

Any antibiotic: Can be a set up for a yeast infection. Neither has a therapeutic effect on the candida and the schedule will not matter.

Answered 9/29/2020


Dr. Janet Turkle answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

Possibly: Both are antibiotics and can suppress the normal flora ("good" bacteria) in the GI tract. When this occurs, sometimes yeast and other bacteria tend to experience an overgrowth. If this happens, we can experience a "yeast infection". If you believe this is occurring, one should check with the doctor prescribing the antibiotics for further advice. Good luck!

Answered 8/27/2017


Dr. Jeff Livingston answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Use as directed: Any antibiotic can cause a yeast infection. The most important thing is to treat your current problem according to your doctors instructions. If you get a yeast infection just buy an over the counter yeast cream.

Answered 6/28/2018



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