A member asked:

I suffered a perforated ulcer for 36 hrs 1 yr ago. i have ulcers again while on script prilosec, not otc, 2 x day. h-pylori neg. what else can i try?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Second ulcer serious: If you've had surgery to correct a perforated ulcer, and you now have recurrent ulcer symptoms refractory to full-dose prilosec, please seek medical attention. Also, at this time, stop taking aspirin, advil, aleve, (naproxen) ibuprofen, Motrin (unless under doctor's advice), avoid tobacco and alcohol. Recurrent ulcer disease raises concern for an underlying cause that needs evaluation and correction.

Answered 6/30/2014



Peptic ulcer: You can try ppis high doses and Carafate (sucralfate) 1gm four times a day.Discuss it with your doctor as it is a prescription drug.

Answered 9/28/2016



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