Yes, but: You can but the problem isn't one of over production or under production of thyroid hormone.
Answered 3/13/2020
Not a functional one: Your thyroid appears to be functioning normally, although you could still have a structural thyroid problem such as a nodule that does not affect the function. You doc should be able to tell you.
Answered 2/1/2015
Thyroid antibodies?: Thyroglobulin isn't helpful here. Anti-thyroid antibodies would be helpful in determining whether hashimoto's thyroiditis is present, which could ultimately affect thyroid function. With normal TSH and ft4 thyroid function is normal right now.
Answered 9/28/2016
Maybe: With normal tsh, t4, and t3, (liothyronine) your thyroid appears to be functioning normally. But auto-immune thyroid disease can also cause the whole thyroid to enlarge forming a goiter, or specific areas to enlarge, forming nodules. But a lack of problems now doesn't mean you will always be normal. If 0.65 is high for the lab where you were tested, you may develop thyroid problems in the future.
Answered 2/1/2015
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