A member asked:

Is there a possibility that my vision will actually get worse after corneal transplant?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Tim Conrad answered

Specializes in Ophthalmology

Not likely: Like many eye surgeries, corneal transplant can have problems that result in loss of vision. This is not what usually happens; most people who require corneal transplant can see much better after the surgery. Discuss this with your corneal surgeon.

Answered 3/4/2013


Dr. Keshav Narain answered

Specializes in Retinal Surgery

Yes. Possibility, : But hopefully not. Corneal transplants were the first human allogeneic grafts that were done. They are very successful and can last up to 20 years. Complications, unfortunately, are a possibility and can result in premature rejection, infection, glaucoma. A variety of partial thickness grafts are available as well. These can have advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation.

Answered 4/7/2013



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