A member asked:

What could cause my bowel to perforate if it was not diverticulitis. the cat scan was unclear as to why i formed a large 12 cm abcess ?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Allen Kamrava answered

Specializes in Colon and Rectal Surgery

Needs work up: Elaine - there are a few things that come to mind. It is absolutely imperative that the cause be figured out however. It depends on how the perforation and abscess are, but if they can do a colonoscopy, they need to do so. It is clear you have had a ct scan to diagnose the abscess. A colonoscopy is the next important step.

Answered 2/27/2013



Diverticulitis: The most common cause is diverticulitis, but if there is a large amount of inflammation, it may not be easy to make the diagnosis. Tumors of the colon can also perforate. Usually you will be treated either with antibiotics and have repeat evaluation, or you will be a candidate for a temporary colostomy to allow things to heal. At that time, a definitive diagnosis can be made.

Answered 12/30/2016



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