A member asked:

I have cellitus in the leg and my liver enzymes were elevated when they dis the blood test. is this normal with an infection?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

No: Your liver enzymes should not generally be elevated from an infection, unless the infection is because of a hepatitis virus. Also, if you've been receiving antibiotics, some of them can cause liver enzymes abnormalities. Once you are completely treated you should have them retested. If they are still elevated, then further investigation is indicated to find out why.

Answered 4/22/2018


Dr. Michael Miller answered

Specializes in Wound care

What's the cause: Cellulitis is basically a visible inflammation (itis) of the skin and soft tissues (red, hot, swollen and tender) . It can be caused by many things including sunburn (radiation), trauma (sprained ankle) or poor vein circulation (stasis dermatitis). It need not be caused by bacteria. If you have repeated episodes of this, get to a wound care or vascular specialist, the diagnoses you have is wrong.

Answered 10/22/2017



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