A member asked:

Why do i shake when i am mad or afraid?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Conflicted: My guess is that if you start shaking when you are mad or afraid, you are conflicted about expressing some aspect of what you are really feeling. Perhaps, growing up, you were discouraged from giving voice to the range of feelings you might have been having. As a result, you are now conflicted about giving free rein to all that you are feeling. Talking things through might help! good luck!

Answered 4/22/2018



It's like adrenaline: When we're afraid or mad, we release hormones like adrenaline. That causes our heart to race, our pupils to get bigger, our reflexes to get faster and sometimes our body to shake. If your anger or fear affect your life in significant ways, you may want to seek a consultation from a mental health professional. Hope this answer helps.

Answered 8/29/2016



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