A member asked:

Sharp upper abdominal pain with severe emisis what are these symtons leading up to?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Arthur Heller answered

Specializes in Gastroenterology

Could be trouble: Could be gallbladder disease, pancreatitis, ulcer, gastritis, kidney stone, bowel obstruction, or it could be food poisoning see your doc.

Answered 10/31/2017



Maybe an ulcer: Your symptoms suggest a number of conditions, but an ulcer of either the stomach or duodenum is of greatest concern. Ulcers can be caused by h.Pylori bacteria, but may also result from using too many nsaid's like aleve, (naproxen) advil, motrin, ibuprofen. Smoking and alcohol intake may hasten ulcer development and worsen symptoms. Untreated ulcers can bleed, obstruct, and perforate. Seek medical care.

Answered 6/28/2020



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