A member asked:

What symptoms you feel if mid lad:100% stenosis. distal circumflex: 100% stenosis. all others are good. what treatment needed. do you treat with cabg.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Tonga Nfor answered

Specializes in Cardiology

Depends: Symptoms can range from shortness of breath or chest pain (especially with physical activity) to palpitations, lightheadedness, swelling in feet. Treatment will need some way to restore blood flow to heart muscle using bypass surgery or stents, in addition to medicines and lifestyle changes. Your cardiologist will discuss pros and cons of these options with you, so you can decide what is best.

Answered 2/16/2013


Dr. Pankaj Kulshrestha answered

Specializes in Thoracic Surgery

LAD Stenosis: Most likely cabg. Although, in some selected cases angioplasty or stenting can be performed depending on the anatomy. Symptoms may vary from person to person : chest pain shortness of breath jaw pain heart failure - swelling of legs.

Answered 9/28/2016



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