Nonspecific is...: Nonspecific. If the clinical history and physical exam doesn't fit with the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (or other demyelinating disorders) then it likely isn't. Discuss it with your neurologist.
Answered 2/6/2013
Not to worry: These sorts of lesions are commonly seen, and may be due to migraine, prior head or neck trauma, birth or delivery injuries, some medications. These are most likely coincidental and non diagnostic, but, if further questions, can gather additional info if MRI of neck and grey matter, and perhaps spinal fluid.
Answered 8/5/2014
Nonspecific: Small bright spots are frequently seen on MRI of the brain, increasing with age. Sometimes there are features that are suggestive of demyelinating disease (ms), but otherwise they are usually considered nonspecific. Anything that affects the tiny blood vessels in the brain can cause these bright spots (e.g., migraines, diabetes, hypertension, vasculitis). See a neurologist if you are worried.
Answered 5/1/2016
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