FUO: Possibly an entity named 'fever of unknown origin'; but this usually requires fevers continually for 6 weeks. A missed abscess may present in this way as well. Please have your doctor follow up on this! hope all is well.
Answered 7/5/2012
Thorough examination: Blood work is a minor part of the evaluation of a patient. When a problem goes unsolved, a thorough history and very thorough physical examination may get to the bottom of the problem. Contact your doctor for re-evaluation.
Answered 12/1/2015
Autoimmune disease: Unexplained recurrent fever can be a sign of hidden infection, cancer, or autoimmune disease like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Common medications can also cause recurrent fever. You need a doctor who is a sleuth. The timing of your fevers, medical history, exposures to animals, medications, and physical exam findings will give clues. Look up "fever of unknown origin" for more info.
Answered 12/1/2015
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