A member asked:

Normal liver enzynes normal colonoscopy but stool color is bright yellowish brown what do i test for or is this normal?

7 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

Could be normal: Stool color varies from yellow, tan, brown, dark brown to green. If liver enzymes and colonoscopy are normal, unlikely to be a problem in your stool color. What you eat determines how much bile your liver puts into the intestines to digest the food. More bile, more green/brown color. Less bile, then yellow to lighter brown.

Answered 1/5/2019



Consider fecal fat: Your stool might be yellowish because you are malabsorbing fat. Bile gives stool its brownish color. Extra fat that is not absorbed can make it yellowish. There are 2 types of tests that could be done. One is a sudan stain for fecal fat. The other is 72 hour fecal fat collection to see if you are malabsorbing. Causes of malabsorption include pancreatic insufficiency, cystic fibrosis and parasites.

Answered 10/8/2017



Stool study: Depends on if stool is watery; if so, stool studies could be ordered by a medical provider, however if solid stool that is that color, then probably normal

Answered 10/8/2017



Can't fix normal: Stool color is dependent on the main colorizing agent, deep green bile, and the action of germs in the gut as poop moves though it. Normal colors range through deep greens through yellows to browns depending on how long it stays in the gut & the effect of gut germ metabolism. What you describe is well within the normal range for stool color.

Answered 11/28/2017



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