A member asked:

What exactly is palliative care?

8 doctors weighed in across 5 answers
Dr. Paul Nowicki answered

Specializes in Gynecologic Oncology

End of life care: Palliative care focuses on making patient's symptoms of a terminal disease better rather then curing the disease itself. For example treating pain and nausea resulting from cancer and not treating the cancer itself ( ex with chemotherapy or surgery ), because the cancer can not be cured.

Answered 1/21/2020



Comfort care: Palliative care is provided for somebody who has a life-threatening disease that may cause death but it is not clear when. It strives to increase quality of life of the patients and their famlies.

Answered 11/30/2013



Palliative care. : Palliative care places less emphasis on the aggressive treatment of medical issues and more emphasis on keeping the patient with those medical issues as comfortable as possible. Usually meant for patients with terminal,'incurable medical issues. Hospitals generally employ specialists in palliative care.

Answered 6/9/2017


Dr. Jay Bradley answered

Specializes in Cornea, Cataract, & Refractive (LASIK & PRK) Surgery

Palliative care: Palliative care is medical treatments to keep the patient comfortable during end of life period.

Answered 10/23/2016



Comfort care: Palliative care is provided for somebody who has a life-threatening disease that may cause death but it is not clear when. It strives to increase quality of life of the patients and their families.

Answered 2/15/2013



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