Retinoids & Sunblock: It is best to use a combination of retinoids with exfoliation, mositurizers and sunblock.
Answered 1/13/2013
Lots of products: The mainstay treatment of sun damaged skin of the face, neck and chest area is Retin-A combined with Alpha hydroxy acids and vitamin c. New hyaluronic acid moisture creams work very well hydrating the skin. For most of what you need you should see a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist. Good luck from nyc.
Answered 7/1/2014
Protection: Start using sublock to prevent any further damage and consider drinking lots of water to hydrate and plump up the skin. Be careful retinoids cause sunburn . Moisturizers with sunscreen can also start plumping your skin. Consider laser skin care to start decreasing your sundamage and give you healthier skin. Exfoliation for your limbs will also help using scrubs and microdermabrasion.
Answered 5/2/2013
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