A member asked:

What is better for anxiety, depression, fatigue, and insomnia? prozac, remeron, (mirtazapine) or celexa? or maybe other?

10 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. Pamela Pappas answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Individual choices: There are many different medications for these complaints, because there are many different people who have them. No one medication is the best for everyone. If you see a psychiatrist, s/he can assess your situation & needs, and select a medicine specifically tailored to you. Then s/he will follow your response to make sure you're getting relief. Your response determines the best med for you.

Answered 10/24/2017


Dr. Glen Elliott answered

Specializes in Child Psychiatry

Depends on person: All of the medications you mention can be highly effective. It can take awhile to find the one that has the best benefit with fewest side effects. At present, it's trial and error. We have no tests to match person to best antidepressant--although that is an area under active study.

Answered 1/14/2020


Dr. David Hoffman answered

Specializes in Clinical Psychology

Meds and Dep: Insomnia needs to be attended to first because it effects everything else, the meds you mention and others can lessen dep and help with sleep for some. The one best thing you can do to improve sleep is make sure to get up same time each day, not go to bed early. If you wake up early get up. Ask your prescriber and be patient with med trials, it's hard but it pays off!

Answered 1/14/2020



MEDICATION: Best to discuss medication with your Psychiatrist. If uncomfortable with your Dr. consult another for a second opinion. Have a physical exam by a Dr. to determine if you have a physical illness. Consult with a Clinical Psychologist for psychotherapy with ZOOM sessions. Fears and anxiety could be heightened due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Stay safe & hopeful to elevate your immune system.

Answered 12/14/2020



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