Asperger's: Asperger's is a type of developmental disorder related to autism. In it there are problems with social skills; difficulty initiating and maintaining conversation; odd or repetitive behaviors; unusual preoccupations or rituals; coordination problems; limited range of interests; highly skilled in a particular area like music, math, or computers.
Answered 12/13/2017
See below:: Loneliness; impaired social interaction; impaired non-verbal communication; poor speech. Although there are many possible symptoms of asperger’s syndrome, the main symptom is significant trouble with social situations.
Answered 10/22/2015
A mix not all bad: Physical clumsiness, speech often rapid / mechanical. Ability to focus the mind on narrow topics far beyond most folks'. May be fascinated with utterly useless (train schedules, comics) or hugely helpful (math, science) areas. Amazing lack of social intuition, is sometimes a total jerk without meaning to be. World is confusing & frightening. You can't help by criticizing / exhorting.
Answered 2/24/2018
Several: Aspergers is an autism spectrum disorder in which the most significant difficulty is with social interactions although the level and type of difficulty varies. There may be other issues such as anxiety, trouble with focus, ocd, sensory sensitivities and coordination problems. Cognitive functioning can be below, average or above average. Start with your primary provider if you have concerns.
Answered 1/27/2019
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