Food and meds: Start with smaller portion meals, cut out carbonation, chocolate, mint, and eating within 5 hours to sleeping. Add otc meds like zantac, (ranitidine) prilosec, gasex if no better. If you are still having problems in two weeks, you need to see a doctor.
Answered 10/8/2020
A thought : I would encourage you to immediately see your physician for an examination. Your doctor may refer you to a gastroenterologist. In dentistry we are confronted with this problem called acid reflux. When the acidic regurgitation enters the oral cavity, it causes erosion and breakdown of tooth structure. Your doctor may talk with you about your lifestyle and some changes that can benefit your health.
Answered 9/28/2016
Possible...: Possibly, you may be swallowing to much are when you drink liquids. I have one patient who spent the day 'sipping' coffee, juice. While 'sipping', this was getting alot of air into the stomach, and by the end of the day they were having terrible gastro-intestinal bloating, cramping, burping, etc. Take care when drinking throughout the day. My patient has recovered very nicely with no need for meds.
Answered 2/11/2019
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