A member asked:

Are ibd autoimmune?

11 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. Olaf Johansen answered

Specializes in Colon and Rectal Surgery

Yes: Inflammatory bowel disease is an autoimmune disease where our own immune systems attacts certain components of your intestinal track. This is way most medicines used to treat this do suppress certain components of the immune system. Hope this helps.

Answered 7/31/2014



Mostly: The overall mechanism that result in the damages typical of ibd ( crohn's and uc ) is mediated by one's own immune system. Arguments continue regarding the inciting event(s) / triggers that start the disease process.

Answered 9/3/2015



No: Not strictly. Autoimmune disease is a problem in which the immune system acts mistakenly against part of the body. IBD is an immune mediated disease. This means the immune system reacts to normally occurring gut bacteria. Because these bacteria aren't considered our body, it's not technically an "autoimmune disease."

Answered 4/25/2015



Hygiene Hypothesis: Environmental factors are essential components of the pathogenesis (IBD) and primarily responsible for its growing incidence around the globe.Smoking and the enteric bacterial flora has the most solid evidence currently available. Smoking increases risk & worsens CD , but has a protective effect in UC. High social, economical, educational or occupational status increase the risk of IBD.

Answered 2/24/2019



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