A member asked:

I took another pregnancy test like i was told to here, it's showing a very slight positive, you can barely see the blue line, what dose it mean?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

See your doc: If you have multiple pregnancy tests that are equivocal or give different results, you should see your doc for definitive testing, which would include a blood test as well as a urine test.

Answered 12/14/2016



It depends.: It depends on how long after intercourse you took this test. If it was 2 days, do it again in a week. If 2 weeks, and you did it before, and it was the same, it most likely means you aren't pregnant. You should be getting another period soon, which would confirm this. If you don't, you still could be not pregnant, and it could be some other reason, at which point, you should see your doctor.

Answered 1/30/2015



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