A member asked:

Should i wean my 4-month-old off the bottle?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes: Babies will respond gleefully when they see a bottle, but don't give your baby a bottle just to quiet him when he really isn't hungry. Babies who spend too much time with a bottle start to use it as a security object, which makes weaning more difficult. They are also more likely to have ear infections and tooth decay problems. Find another security object like a stuffed animal or a blanket.

Answered 7/20/2012


Dr. Elizabeth Wallen answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

Too soon!!!!!: Your baby still needs the nutritional punch that formula or breast milk provides. Your baby also does not have the hand and mouth coordination required to handle a sippy cup. It will be a sad frustrating process for both of you. Please slow down.

Answered 8/21/2014



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